Generating Buzz – 4 Tips for Self-Publishers

Marketing, Networking Add comments

One of the best marketing strategies for a self-published book (or any product) is to generate buzz. In a nutshell, you want to get people talking about your book. I just read an informative question and answer post on The Art of Generating Buzz. I really have no experience yet in this area (at least not enough to know if what I’ve done will be effective or not), but I thought I’d list some of the steps I’ve taken toward this end:

1. Create an e-mail list of friends and other interested parties to keep them informed about the progress of your book. I’m just using a free list software that works in conjunction with my free website software (find out more about these options here). I imported my personal e-mail address book, and then add new contacts as people express interest. About once a month I send out a personal update letting people know how the progress is going and what new developments have taken place since the last update. This generates good feedback – both via e-mail and when I visit with people in person.

2. Involve others in the process. As much as I like to think that I can do everything myself (that’s why we’re self-publishing in the first place, right?!), I cannot express strongly enough how much it has increased the quality and value of my book by tapping into the expertise of friends to help me with various aspects of the project. I also implemented a unique idea I’m really excited about that involved 26 close friends (more on that another time, though!). One of the benefits of this is that more people have a vested interest in the book and thus their desire to see it succeed is increased even more. Plus, they have a greater level of confidence in the product and are more eager to talk about it and recommend it to friends.

3. Solicit endorsers and reviewers liberally. So far I’ve sent out 23 Advance Review Copies (ARC) of Pajama School – stories from the life of a homeschool graduate. Eleven of those are for potential endorsements; nine have been sent to bloggers who have agreed to post a review and host a giveaway of one or more copies of my book. My goal is to hit my target market from a variety of places and hopefully start to create some buzz. I’m still hoping to find some more homes for my remaining ARCs – my Marketing Manager is hard at work in that department. The books certainly won’t accomplish anything sitting in a box in my basement!

4. Maximize Social Networking Utilities. I know I could do much, much better in this area. But I do have a Facebook Page that imports notes from the Pajama School Blog. And I just recently started Twittering – I’d love to have you come Follow Me! I’m also in a couple of self-publishing e-mail groups (that I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with lately!) that have helped me connect with and learn from some wonderful people.

No doubt there are many more ideas for effectively generating buzz, but these are four primary steps I’ve taken in regards to my book so far. More ideas are always welcome! I’m trying to be more alert to what’s buzzing in the world around me, too, so that I can learn from the effective strategies of others. Now if I could just figure out what the secret is behind Twilight… 🙂

4 Responses to “Generating Buzz – 4 Tips for Self-Publishers”

  1. Mrs. Edwards Says:

    I’m looking forward to reading the book and would be happy to help you with the buzz factor–but my little blog, Veritas at Home, doesn’t have a huge following. Still, whatever I can do…

    I’ve enjoyed following your blog and have done so with two hats: a homeschooling mother and an aspiring author. I’ve ghostwritten a memoir and we (the memoirist) and I are working up a literary proposal for an agent. I’m not sure we could pull off what you have done, but I’m keeping your example in mind for inspiration! We might be self-publishing after all.

    I can’t wait to read your book!


  2. Bryce Says:

    Along with your #3. I have had a bit of success by publicly giving away a few copies of my novel. I found a heavily trafficked blog that is in the genre of my book and gave away a few copies. The folks I have them to blog & post about it, and lots of folks who didn’t get the giveaway still check out the book, if only because I’m an awesome enough author to give away copies of my book.

  3. Bryce Says:

    I really need to read my comments before clicking “Submit.” Half the time, it looks like I can’t even speak English.

    For example the sentance above should read “The folks I have [i]sent[/i] them to..”

  4. Ashley Says:

    This is my first time here and I am hooked.
    Thanks for being you and sharing so much info.

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