List Your Self-Publishing Success Story

Marketing, Publicizing Add comments

One thing that you can never do too much of as a self-publisher is getting the word out about your book via every possible outlet. One of my friends recently told me that part of the success with her book has been the result of hours spent submitting links and book information to every internet directory and listing she could find. What a great idea! That’s something I’m hoping to do in the next couple of months.

It would be incredible if there was a master list somewhere of all the websites where you can post a free listing about your book – anyone know of such a thing? In the meantime, I’m planning to keep track of such websites and post about them here periodically. Para Publishing has a brief form you can fill out that will place a listing of your self-published book on their success story page. I listed my book, Pajama School – stories from the life of a homeschool graduate, there a couple of months ago but just remembered it today as I was clearing out some old files.

2 Responses to “List Your Self-Publishing Success Story”

  1. Bryce Says:

    I started a list on the new site I’ve been building.

  2. Natalie Says:

    That’s great, Bryce! I’m going to have to check out your links and do some more listing!

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